- To promote and encourage the development of the residential, sporting, cultural and recreation resources of the Elphinstone.
- To stimulate public interest in the development of such resources by facilitating a greater interchange of ideas between organisations and by prompting greater awareness in the community of the value of such resources and resulting activities.
- To provide a forum to which residents of the community can bring problems for free and open discussion and solution.
- To make representation to government at all levels and to other associations or groups of individuals in the interests of all residents of the community.
- To be actively interested in and to promote where desirable cultural festivals and events held in or connected with Elphinstone.
- To explore all lawful avenues for the acquiring of adequate finance for the purpose of maintaining and updating the facilities in Elphinstone.
- To make donations to or otherwise assist any charitable, benevolent, or public purpose or fund, in the interest of and for the development of activities and resources that the Association deems fit to encourage or support.
- To promote or assist in promoting any activity not presently represented in Elphinstone or to increase or advance any activity insufficiently represented but desired by residents.
- To undertake any such other activities as may be from time to time be agreed by the Association.
- To promote interest and responsibility and civic pride amongst the general public and to encourage and assist such public in development of that resource.